Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Desmodium cuspidatum

I think this is what the hell is attached to every article of clothing from this weekends race.
Desmodium cuspidatum
Stick-tights or beggar's-ticks (Desmodium cuspidatum) produces slender legume fruits that break into small, one-seeded joints covered with tiny barbed hairs. Technically, this special kind of legume fruit is called a loment. The individual joints are so flat that they are exceedingly difficult to remove from your socks. Like little flat ticks, you must individually pull off each one. This can be exasperating when your socks are covered with them. Several species of this remarkable hitchhiking herb are native to the midwestern and eastern United States.
How the hell to do you remove them?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I threw my socks away...